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      What we do/ Our Projects/ Harefield Academy SEND School

      New SEND school for the London Borough of Hillingdon

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      Harefield Academy SEND School

      London Borough of Hillingdon

      £10m (project)

      1.34 hectares

      The London Borough of Hillingdon has a shortage of SEND school spaces and an urgent need for expansion of sites within the Borough.

      This project is part of the Meadow High School expansion and involves the repurposing of an existing boarding facility that is no longer in use.

      Our involvement allowed us to frame the planning application in the context of the educational need within the Borough and as such, we targeted the most important planning matters head on, and suggested mitigation for planning issues – all of this whilst demonstrating the overall public benefits arising from the scheme.

      The application was GLA referrable due to a change of use within the Green Belt. Therefore, we had to ensure that the quality of evidence we provided was compelling enough to prevent our client needing to spend additional resource on views and CGIs.

      Reusing the existing educational building allowed the Borough to hit its sustainability targets with 95% of demolition and construction waste diverted from landfill through the reuse/recycle of materials, whilst providing additional and much needed student places.

      Full planning permission for the scheme was achieved and the school is due to open in September 2023.

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