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      What we do/ Our Projects/ The Gosling Foundation

      The Foundation wished to reduce its operational costs and outsource elements of the family office


      The Gosling Foundation



      Seeking advice on its commercial property portfolio, the Foundation saw that our expertise in college endowment portfolio management positioned us well to understand the key factors for the operation of a family office, and support them to continue to deliver on their requirements.

      The Gosling Foundation wished to reduce their own operational costs and outsource elements of their family office, approaching us to take care of their commercial property portfolio. Our expertise in endowment portfolio management through our many Oxbridge instructions ideally places us to understand the key factors for a family office operation and ensure we continue to deliver on their requirements. 

      Having successfully onboarded the portfolio and collected and distributed rents, we have provided a detailed strategy report to bring context to our management and provide direction for the portfolio in the coming years.  

      With a foundation of robust financial modelling, we can assist our client plan around income flows for their many charitable donations as well as keeping a watchful eye on value preservation. As we build our wealth management offering, our knowledge, modelling skills and high-quality reporting standards provide clients with comfort that their investments are very well looked after. 

      Our wealth management offering, knowledge, modelling skills and  high-quality reporting standards provides clients with comfort that their investments are very well looked after. 

      The portfolio was successfully onboarded with complete accuracy and importantly, with 100% of rental income collected on time from the outset.

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