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Significant real estate lettings tell the story of a country highly attractive to global giants from Apple and Amazon to Moderna and MSD, but which struggles to nurture and retain our own innovative SMEs to scale. This is not to say the UK has an unimpressive record.

According to Beauhurst, 43 unicorns are headquartered in the UK, just under 4% of the ‘global herd’. But eight have exited in recent years having reached mystical creature status, while a number of others have been acquired by overseas companies albeit remaining UK based.

As seen globally, the pace of unicorn creation has slowed in the UK during the post-pandemic period, but more concerning for the UK, success remains focused in the Golden Triangle of Oxford, Cambridge, and London. Globally leading R&D and innovative SMEs are not successfully translating to the growth of knowledge-intensive companies and employment in the vast majority of the country.

While the global investment environment is a factor in the recent slowdown, understanding the underlying domestic barriers to innovative SME growth is crucial for our ability to redirect our economy, which holds such potential.

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Sue Foxley

Sue Foxley

Research Director

Sue leads a dynamic programme of research at Bidwells. Working with her colleague Mark Callender, she is particularly focused on the real estate implications of the science and technology sector.

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Mark Callendar

Research Partner

Mark was appointed as research partner to focus on high-growth sectors, including renewable energy, science and technology, and natural capital markets.

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