Sue leads a dynamic programme of research at Bidwells. Working with her colleague Mark Callender, she is particularly focused on the real estate implications of the science and technology sector.

In addition to overseeing Bidwells long running and detailed market data, Sue has built a programme of research, collaborating with academics and consultants, such as YouGov and Henley Business School as well as specialist scientific advisors, to deliver an in depth understanding of the science and tech markets.

UK Life Sciences Sue and Saul
Sue gave a talk at the Bisnow Life Sciences conference alongside Saul Western, speaking on the evolving life sciences market.

If you’d like to hear more, browse our Arc Market Databook papers >



Science & Technology

The number one UK advisor to S&T for the last 50 years

Our insights

Image of The Productivity Paradox Report 2024

Download this report to read both part one & two of 'The Productivity Paradox'

The Productivity Paradox

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Image of Introduction image - PE report Report 2024

While rising productivity does not guarantee a successful economy and happy society, it certainly helps.

Understanding the slowdown and unlocking £8,600 in lost income

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High tech lab Report 2024

Significant real estate lettings tell the story of a country highly attractive to global giants from Apple and Amazon to Moderna and MSD, but which struggles to nurture and retain our own innovative SMEs to scale. This is not to say the UK has an unimpressive record.

Commercialising Science

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Image of When Will We Solve the Housing Shortage Report 2024

England suffers from a shortage of housing.

When Will We Solve the Housing Shortage?

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Image of Powering Productivity Report 2024

Just the title of this report, The Productivity Engine, reminds us of breakthrough technologies and the immense potential for renewable electricity to power our future.

Powering Productivity

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Image of Manor Farm, Mill Way, Grantchester 41 Report 16.07.24

As the UK faces a new government and potential shifts in SDLT for overseas buyers, our Q2 report delves into the static housing market, rising rents, and shifting demand towards larger homes.

Cambridge Residential Rental Market Report, Summer 2024

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Image of rental report image spring 2024 Reports & Briefings Spring 2024

Oxford Economics forecast a rapid decline in the bank rate this year and next, ending 2024 at 4% and 2025 at 3%.

Cambridge Residential Rental Market Report, Spring 2024

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Image of superpower image with tint Events 18th June

On the day, we explored the challenges of establishing an environment that attracts global talent and international business, while facilitating the journey from spin-out to IPO, and securing venture capital during a period of economic uncertainty.

Creating a Scientific Superpower 2024

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