Biodiversity units for sale

Wiston Estate, North Farm, Pulborough, RH20 4BB


  • Image of MorningLandscape_190
  • Image of MT - LR09
  • Image of MT - LR13
  • Image of MorningLandscape_012
  • Image of MorningLandscape_015
  • Image of MorningLandscape_080
  • Image of MorningLandscape_181

Biodiversity net gain initiative creating >1,000 biodiversity units for sale.

This is an exciting opportunity for developers to support landscape-scale habitat restoration in West Sussex that will buffer and expand priority habitats. The creation of a variety of habitats and enhancement of woodlands will generate over 1,000 biodiversity units.

The first phase of BNG has a s106 agreement in place with the South Downs National Park and has been accepted onto the Biodiversity Gain Site Register (reference number: BGS-140524001). To date over 60 biodiversity units have been sold. 

Developers can secure biodiversity units for the following habitat types:

  • Woodland habitats of high distinctiveness
  • Heathland and shrub habitats of medium distinctiveness
  • Grassland habitats of medium distinctiveness
  • Hedgerow habitats of medium to high distinctiveness
  • Individual trees of medium distinctiveness


Local Planning Authorities
South Downs National Park
National Character Areas
Low Weald
South Downs

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