North Uttlesford

North Uttlesford Garden Community

128 ha
North Uttlesford

Appointed as the heritage consultant, Bidwells relished the challenge of completing significance assessments on over 40 Grade I, II* and II listed heritage assets, several conservation areas and a registered deer park and garden, either directly on the site or located in close proximity.

In the landscape, this highly visible site required us to work hard with the design team to guide the development, to lessen the impact on heritage and make it more acceptable to the stakeholders and community. Our initial heritage impact assessment informed the promotion of the site for Grosvenor and our evidence informed the local planning authority and other stakeholders of the impact of the development.

From the outset, we worked closely with the design team, local planning authority and Historic England to ensure that the master planning process fully utilised our assessment of the asset’s value and the value of its settings to minimise potential impacts arising from the proposed development.

The site was put forward to be considered for allocation within the Uttlesford Local Plan as part of Reg 19 representations and was subject to Public Inquiry in 2019.

The success of the site will come down to the heritage, landscape and archaeology aspects. In 2020, the local plan was withdrawn and is being re-prepared. We are continuing our work in preparation for the site’s re-submission to the next local plan.

Get in touch with our team

Kate Hannelly-Brown

Kate Hannelly-Brown

Partner, Heritage and Design

A heritage consultant, architectural technician and conservation officer all rolled in to one.

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