Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

This statement is made as a result of the implementation of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.


Bidwells LLP ensures that all potential modern slavery risks related to its business are understood and that steps are in place that aims to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking within its own firm, its clients and supply chains.

Bidwells' supply chain in relation to services consists on the whole of other regulated professional services (Chartered Surveyors, Law Firms, Accountancy Firms and Banks). Bidwells considers these to be very low risk in relation to slavery and human trafficking however we maintain a risk-based approach to assess the likelihood of the existence of Modern Slavery in our supply chain.

This statement is made under section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA)

Bidwells acknowledges its duty to notify the Secretary of State of suspected victims of slavery or human trafficking as introduced by section 52 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Employment Standards

Bidwells recruitment process ensures that all potential employees are checked to ensure they are eligible to work in the UK – in accordance with the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996.

Bidwells provides modern slavery awareness training to all staff providing them with an awareness and understanding of their role.

Our policies and procedures are reviewed regularly to make sure that they are fit for purpose and compliant with regulatory and statutory obligations. Where required, new policies are agreed through the relevant governance structure.

There are a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to ensuring modern slavery does not occur within our firm. These are reviewed on an annual basis and include:

Diversity, inclusion and belonging policy and anti-harassment and anti-bullying policy - a requirement for all staff to adhere to which includes requirements in relation to workplace behaviour and equality

Values and competency framework

Anti-Fraud and Bribery Policy

Recruitment and Selection Policy - which includes the requirement to undertake references and checks for eligibility to work in the UK.

Health and Safety Policy

Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure - which protects staff should they raise concerns about issues such as modern slavery.

Domestic Violence Policy

Safeguarding procedures

Statement on Equality and Diversity


Bidwells ensures that all potential modern slavery risks related to its business are understood and that steps are in place that aim to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking within its own firm, clients and supply chains. Bidwells Modern Slavery Statement reflects our commitment to acting in an ethical manner and with integrity in all of our Supplier relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking is not taking place anywhere within our supply chains. We expect that all Suppliers will act in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 if applicable, or any similar laws in the countries in which they carry out business to ensure that no employee or individual working in any supply chain is being exploited. In addition, we would expect that all employees are working within a safe environment and that all relevant employment, health and safety and human rights laws and international standards are followed.

To further our high standards, we believe it is important to share the key principles and best practice standards we consider crucial to sustaining effective and enduring business relationships with all third-party suppliers and their affiliates and subcontractors, which provide goods or services to Bidwells with a Supplier Code of Conduct.

Future Reviews

In 2024 a Procurement Manager will join the firm to complete a thorough review of our procurement process and consider any additional measures to ensure that our obligations under the Act are passed through our supply chain.

We will continue to review and develop our processes to mitigate the risk of Modern Slavery and remain fully committed to implementing any necessary changes across the firm.


This Statement was reviewed and approved by Kelly Bream.

Kelly Bream, COO

Chief Operating Officer, Bidwells LLP

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