There is excitement in Bedfordshire surrounding the potential for Universal Studios to open another location with this potentially having major impacts on the economic and social growth in the County. Although there is optimism surrounding the potential for this, there has been a delay to the decision on Luton Airport until January 2025. There are also opportunities in Central Bedfordshire and Luton given Call for Sites are pending before the years out.
There have been a number of updates since the formal pause of Bedford Borough’s 2040 Local Plan examination with meetings taking place between the Council and National Highways. The required modelling framework is anticipated to commence soon. The Universal Studios project is moving forwards with a Special Development Order application proposed for the Autumn. All consultee responses in the assessment of new sites for the 2040 Local Plan have now been received. The cumulative impact work associated with this, has been commenced.
As mentioned previously, the 2030 Local Plan is 5 years old in January 2025, meaning it would be considered out-of-date and the 5-year land supply protection (Paragraph 76a) could fall away by the time the Examination re-opens. There could be potential opportunities here, if the new Local Plan is not progressed in a timely manner.
Central Bedfordshire and Luton are both in the very early stages of Local Plan preparation. There are upcoming Call for Sites opportunities in Central Bedfordshire over the coming months. The Brownfield Call for Sites began on 4th November 2024, running until 2nd December 2024, with a full Call of Sites commencing in December 2024. Luton are also due to commence a Regulation 18 consultation (including a Call for Sites) in November 2024, for 8 weeks, following approval at Executive on 4th November 2024.
Under the emerging National Policy changes, there is the potential that any changes to the Green Belt and the introduction of ‘Grey Belt’ could have implications on the new Local Plans for both Central Bedfordshire and Luton – only time will tell!
Five-Year Land Supply
Following the publication of the draft NPPF in July, the Labour Government is proposing a requirement for all Local Planning Authorities to continually demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable housing sites.
As of April 2024, Central Beds Council demonstrated a 5.36 year supply, however, there have been a couple of interesting appeal decisions. The land adjacent to 144 Clophill Road, Maulden appeal (PINS Reference: 3335858) state that the Council could not demonstrate a 5YHLS. However, the most recent appeal in Cranfield (PINS Reference: 3343707) does not comment on the issue as it was not considered relevant.
In April 2024, Bedford Borough could demonstrate a 6.93 year supply of deliverable housing sites. However, as mentioned previously, the adopted Local Plan is 5 years old in January 2025, and without real progress of the emerging Local Plan examination, the position on this may change into 2025 especially given the emerging National Policy changes under the new Government.
As of April 2024, and released as part of the 4th November 2024 Executive papers, Luton Borough consider that they have a 3.36 years supply of housing. The Government have also consulted on a change to the Local Housing Need Standard Method (LHNSM) figures, as part of the July consultation, with this having the most prominent impact on Luton’s requirement. There is the potential for the figures to reduce by 25% as a result.