Stripey house

Stripey House, Kensington

Kensington, London

An unusual court case in one of London’s most prestigious areas, the client approached us to provide our expertise throughout the appeal process and legal proceedings.

In this prominent legal dispute, our client had hoped to demolish an existing building in Kensington and following difficulties in the planning application, she painted her house in red and white stripes. As the building is situated within a high-profile conservation area, the council served the client with a Section 215 notice and legal proceedings commenced.  

We were instructed by the client’s legal team to appear as an expert witness and advisor throughout her court case to provide strategic planning advice, which drew on our years of experience in heritage, conservation, refurbishment and stakeholder relations.  This expertise formed a narrative that challenged the initial council decision and supported the client's right to paint the facade of her property. 


Following an 18-month trial through the Magistrates, Crown and High Courts, our client won the case and secured her legal right to keep the painted stripes on her house.

The high-profile court case placed a spotlight on how much the local council and Government have a right to interfere and influence properties across the UK. It set an important precedent for future cases and achieved the desired outcome for the client.

Get in touch

Image of Mike Derbyshire (1)

Mike Derbyshire

Partner, Head of Planning

Mike leads Bidwells’ planning practice. He is a passionate and vastly experienced advocate for thoughtful, well-designed development and a thought leader on the future of planning in England.

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