South Kyle Wind Farm 1

South Kyle Wind Farm

35 wind turbines, 168MW
Start Date
Application submitted in 2013
East Ayrshire / Dumfries and Galloway

Our client saw the ethical and financial potential in investing in forestry and prospective windfarm sites as part of their portfolio, and we have helped them realise their ambition to lease land for renewable energy projects.

Sited within a commercial forest, South Kyle windfarm consists of 50 turbines, 35 of which are owned by our client and will eventually generate 168MW of renewable energy. We have worked closely with them, their lawyers, forestry advisors and the chosen project developer to create modern property agreements which allowed construction to begin in 2020. 

When the wind farm is operational - targeted for early 2023 - the site will be able to power approximately 170,000 UK homes, saving close to 300,000 tonnes in carbon dioxide emissions annually.  

We provided commercial property advice to our client in this specialist area to ensure that the project could be delivered in a market which had changed substantially since the scheme was first conceived.

Both our client’s and our focus was to ensure the project came to fruition, as well as maximising the financial benefit.
South Kyle Wind Farm 2
South Kyle Wind Farm 3

For nearly 10 years we have supported our client with our expertise and unrivalled sector knowledge to deliver a windfarm with environmental and community benefits as well as ensuring long-term financial return. We continue to manage their wider renewables portfolio in Scotland.

Get in touch with our team


Rosalind Clifford

Partner, Head of Energy & Renewables

A holistic approach to energy and renewable related property issues sets Ros head and shoulders above her peers.

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