Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

This is our first update since the new National Planning Policy Framework was published in December and it highlights how its new requirements are playing out.

As a reminder, these include:

1. Where an adopted Local Plan was able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply at examination, the tilted balance cannot be triggered by a housing land supply deficit for the first five years of the plan period.

2. Where this does not already apply, if a draft Local Plan has been published for consultation that includes draft allocations, authorities are only required to demonstrate a four year housing land supply.

3. Regardless of the local housing land supply situation, the tilted balance can still be applied through the Housing Delivery Test if delivery has dropped below 75% of the requirement over the previous three years.

In many areas, the new Framework is incentivising faster plan-making because authorities with an up-to-date Local Plan or an advanced draft are now more protected from five-year supply challenges. In some areas, this has reduced the immediate opportunities that are available. In others, the Housing Delivery Test is having more importance because the same protections do not apply. In rare (but not unique) cases it is having little impact because there is already an up-to-date plan, a plentiful housing land supply and a good track record of delivery.

But watch this space, as we may soon have a new government. If Labour take control, they have vowed to reverse the latest changes to the Framework and introduce significant planning reforms.

To access our intelligence, click on the colour coded map for the latest position in each authority or scroll through our county-by-county commentaries for a summary of highlights. Speak to any member of our specialist local teams for more information.

Image of Cambs spring Insights 16.04.24

Cambridge continues to remain firmly in the headlights of Michael Gove.

Cambridgeshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Image of Bucks spring Insights 16.04.24

Positive steps have occurred in both Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire.

Buckinghamshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Image of essex spring Insights 16.04.24

There are good opportunities available across Essex, with new Local Plans at the early stages of review across the north and centre of the county and immediate opportunities available in some areas elsewhere.

Essex Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Image of herts spring Insights 16.04.24

The ‘incentives’ for plan-making within the updated NPPF appear to be working, particularly in south-west Hertfordshire with activity ramping up, albeit under the shadow of a greater protection to the Green Belt and reduced housing numbers being proposed.

Hertfordshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Image of Beds spring Insights 16.04.24

There are several key infrastructure projects progressing across Bedfordshire, all of which will support growth opportunities across the County.

Bedfordshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Image of herts spring (1) Insights 16.04.24

Despite the Mayor being directed by the Secretary of State to take further action on London’s housing plan, City Hall has recently announced an additional Housing Kickstart Fund and has committed significant sums to building 76,000 new homes on brownfield sites.

London Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Image of herts spring (2) Insights 16.04.24

A varied plan-making picture across Norfolk as the Greater Norwich Local Plan is finally adopted.

Norfolk Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Image of northants spring Insights 16.04.24

West Northamptonshire have taken a big step forward in the preparation of their strategic plan; the draft Plan for Regulation 18 consultation has been published.

Northamptonshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Image of Oxs spring Insights 16.04.24

We are seeing significant activity across Oxfordshire with all five local authorities having recently published or due to shortly publish draft Local Plans for consultation.

Oxfordshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Image of Oxs spring (1) Insights 10.04.24

A mixed picture across Suffolk, in terms of plan-making progress.

Suffolk Local Plan Watch - Spring 2024

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Residential development

UK Residential Development Market Update 2024  

2024 has seen several PLC housebuilders returning to the market. The number of sites being launched has increased in Q1 due to the more positive market conditions and we expect activity to continue to increase during the year if the housing market remains stable.

Read our team's update
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Mike Derbyshire

Partner, Head of Planning

Mike leads Bidwells’ planning practice. He is a passionate and vastly experienced advocate for thoughtful, well-designed development and a thought leader on the future of planning in England.

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