
Suffolk Local Plan Watch - Spring 2021

28.3.21 3 MINUTE READ


Since our autumn update, Suffolk Coastal has adopted their local plan to guide development until 2036, while Babergh and Mid Suffolk completed their pre-submission consultation in December 2020 and can expect examination of their joint local plan to progress this summer.

Local Plan Watch Spring 2021 - Suffolk

Key highlights

  • Babergh and Mid Suffolk have completed their Pre-submission Consultation (Reg 19), with examination expected to progress in Summer 2021.
  • Suffolk Coastal adopted their Local Plan on 23 September 2020 to guide development until 2036.

Babergh & Mid Suffolk

The Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan – Pre-Submission Consultation (Reg 19) closed on 24th December 2020. Examination is expected to progress in Summer 2021, with adoption in winter 2021/22.

East Suffolk (Waveney And Suffolk Coastal)

The Waveney Local Plan was adopted on 20 March 2019 to guide development until 2036.

The Suffolk Coastal Local Plan was adopted on 23 September 2020 to guide development until 2036. The next Local Plan review, which will be a combined plan for East Suffolk, is expected in 2025.

Ipswich Borough

The examination hearings of the Ipswich Council Local Plan Review (2018-2036) closed on 16 December 2020. The Planning Inspectors concluded in March 2021 that the Plan is likely to be capable of being found legally compliant and sound, subject to Main Modifications. The Main Modifications consultation is scheduled for May 2021, with adoption anticipated in Summer / Autumn 2021.

West Suffolk (Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury)

West Suffolk District Council’s Regulation 18 Issues and Options consultation closed on 22nd December 2020. It considered a number of options to accommodate the planned housing and employment requirements, including the potential to focus growth within a new settlement(s). The current timescale for preparation of the new plan, which will cover the period to 2040, envisages a Preferred Options Consultation in Winter/Spring 2022, Pre-Submission Consultation in Autumn 2022, and Adoption in Summer 2024.

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Iain Hill

Partner, Planning

Iain is a planning expert who uses his extensive master planning experience to contribute to the creation of award-winning developments.

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