
Norfolk Local Plan Watch - Spring 2021

28.3.21 3 MINUTE READ


While the Greater Norwich Local Plan captures strategic policies and site allocations across Norwich, Broadland and South Norfolk authority areas, a separate South Norfolk village clusters housing site allocations plan is being prepared to identify development sites to deliver a minimum of 1,200 homes in South Norfolk’s villages to 2038.

Local Plan Watch Spring 2021 - Norfolk

Key highlights

  • Following the Regulation 19 consultation early 2021, the Greater Norwich Local Plan is scheduled for submission to the Secretary of State (SofS) for examination in July 2021, before a public examination in November/December 2021, and adoption in September 2022.
  • A South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Site Allocations Plan is being prepared to identify development sites to deliver a minimum of 1,200 homes in South Norfolk’s villages in the period up to 2038. The plan, including preferred sites, is due to be consulted on at some point between April and June 2021.


Their Local Plan was Adopted in Nov 2019, and they are intending to start work on a Review this year, having paused work last year to consider the implications of the White Paper. The intention is that the new Local Plan will be adopted by November 2024. This approach means that parts of the current Local Plan, including policies on housing supply, will be considered out of date from November 2022.

Greater Norwich

The Regulation 19 version of the Greater Norwich Local Plan was published for consultation between 1 February – 22 March 2021. The GNLP is scheduled for submission to the Secretary of State for examination in July 2021, before a public examination in November/December 2021, and adoption in September 2022.

While the GNLP captures strategic policies and site allocations across Norwich, Broadland and South Norfolk authority areas, a separate South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Site Allocations plan is being prepared to identify development sites to deliver a minimum of 1,200 homes in South Norfolk’s villages to 2038. This is understood to be published for Regulation 18 consultation sometime between April-June 2021, before Regulation 19 publication in November/December, Adoption of this Plan is scheduled to take place in February/March 2023. shortly after adoption of the GNLP.

Great Yarmouth

Great Yarmouth Borough Council have prepared Part 2 of their Local Plan, that is currently the subject of Public Examination. This document will eventually sit alongside the Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and provide detailed policies and allocations to help deliver the broad distribution and type of growth for the period to 2030.

Adoption is envisaged to take place in Summer 2021.

King's Lynn and West Norfolk

The Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk consulted on a Regulation 18 draft Local Plan between March-April 2019. The Council are currently considering a draft pre-submission (Reg 19), to be taken to a cabinet meeting for agreement in May/June 2021. Publication and consultation is expected in Summer 2021, with adoption expected during January - March 2023.

North Norfolk

Regulation 19 version of the emerging Local Plan is scheduled for consultation in June/July 2021. This will include a Development Brief for the North Walsham urban extension (c. 2,150 dwellings).

The Regulation 18 publication of Part 1 of the Local Plan in May 2019 included a Call for Sites consultation for sites in selected Small Growth Villages (SGVs), to inform a separate Part 2 Regulation 18 consultation. This Part 2 consultation never occurred, and it is understood that NNDC will incorporate growth in SGVs within the Regulation 19 consultation through amending settlement boundaries and by seeking to cap household growth in SGVs to no more than 6% from the date of adoption of the Plan, to meet the NPPF’s 10% small sites requirement. It is understood that SGVs will be allocated to deliver around 8% of NNDC’s housing target to 2036.

The Local Plan is scheduled for adoption in August 2022.

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Iain Hill

Partner, Planning

Iain is a planning expert who uses his extensive master planning experience to contribute to the creation of award-winning developments.

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