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      David Watson

      Partner, Agriculture & Environment

      With over three decades of hands experience in farming and estate management, David is the perfect person to consult on your farming operations.

      David Watson

      With over three decades of hands experience in farming and estate management, David is the perfect person to consult on your farming operations.

      David Watson

      Using this knowledge and skills, David advises his clients on the shift in the farming industry’s production of commodity food crops to a new role that incorporates food production whilst enhancing the environment. 

      The UK’s Environment Plan and Farming Transition Plan are fuelling proactive and innovative thinking with the farming sector.  

      David’s background is as an early adopter of techniques that are now becoming common place, and that combine profitable farm management with good environmental practice. 

      As Chairman of the Commercial Farmers Group, who nudge government policy makers and influencers in ways other organisations can’t in order to improve the industry, David’s knowledge and experience are an asset to those he works with.