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      Alice Maguire

      Senior Planner

      From residential developments and educational buildings to retirement living – Alice has a broad range of experience at her disposal.

      Alice Maguire

      From residential developments and educational buildings to retirement living – Alice has a broad range of experience at her disposal.

      Alice Maguire

      Alice takes a solution-orientated and proactive approach in her work focused across Cambridge, Essex and Suffolk. Having previously worked at West Suffolk Council, Alice is able to cultivate strong rapports with local planning authorities as she understands how they operate.

      She actively keeps up to date with recent legislation and political news - this insight helps her to advise client’s and plan a route through to achieve planning permissions.

      Alice thrives on seeing the impact her work has on the built environment, particularly seeing the economic, environmental and social benefits the completed projects have on their local communities.

      With a peaked interest in architecture, buildings and design - Alice is enthusiastic and keen to gain experience in planning’s many facets. She is a chartered member of the RTPI.

      Alice is very athletic and enjoys swimming, cycling and hiking in her spare time. She brings the same energy and drive to her work at Bidwells.