EGi’s agency rankings for Q4 2022 have just been released and put our Office and Industrial agency teams top of the overall East of England league tables for the whole of 2022.
Our office agency teams in Cambridge and Norwich - plus our East of England Industrial team - also all finished at the top of the Q4 rankings.
EGi track property market activity nationally, regionally and by sector with data from more than 1,000 agents. The rankings are calculated by the total amount of floorspace transacted.
Highlights from the end of year figures include:
- Our East of England office agency team outpaced the competition by 238,607 sq ft, conducting 394,823 sq ft of transactions in 2022
- Our Industrial team topped the East of England, transacting 1,015,098 sq ft in 2022, beating the second-place agent by 254,585 sq ft.
- Our Cambridge and Norwich office agency teams topping the Cambridgeshire and Norfolk league tables in Q4 2022
- The Bidwells office & laboratory agency team in Cambridge were again the #1 team in 2022 acting on the disposal of more space, as measure by sq ft transacted, than any other agency.
- Our Norwich-based office agency team transacting 147,103 sq ft of office space, 32, 407 sq ft more than our next competitor in Q4 2022
Our Cambridge office agency topped the annual league table for the East of England in 2021, transacting 393,968 sq ft of space, transacting 173,938 sq ft more than the second-place agent.
Our industrial and logistics team were also named top agent for the East of England in Q2 of 2022.
View the rankings on EG here.