
Oxfordshire Local Plan Watch - Autumn 2020

23.9.20 2 MINUTE READ

Local Plan Watch Autumn 2020 Oxfordshire

There has been significant change in the local plan positions across Oxfordshire’s five main areas, along with progress in the County’s wider 2050 Plan. South Oxfordshire District Council are finally making good progress after months of uncertainty, while other districts with recently adopted plans are setting out proposals for new emerging plans. Cherwell has the most recent progress, seeing the adoption of their Partial Review on 7th September.

Local Plan Watch Autumn 2020 Oxfordshire

Key highlights

  • Cherwell resolved to adopt their Local Plan Partial Review on 7th September 2020. Reg 18 consultation for their Full Review recently closed on 14th September 2020, with consultation on a draft plan hoped for October/November 2021.
  • Consultation on spatial options (reg 18 part 2) for Oxfordshire 2050 Plan will commence in January 2021.
  • Hearings have finished on South Oxfordshire’s emerging plan, with Inspector’s preliminary findings expected soon, ahead of an anticipated December adoption.


Cherwell’s Partial Review was found sound following an Inspector’s report issued on 6th August 2020. A meeting of full council resolved to adopt the PR on 7th September 2020.

In March 2020, Cherwell published their LDS, which sets out a programme for a full review of their Local Plan 2031. Initial issues consultation (reg 18) concluded on 14th September 2020, with consultation on a draft plan (reg 18) hoped for October-November 2021. Consultation on a proposed submission plan (reg 19) is hoped for July-August 2022, with adoption earmarked for July 2023.

Oxford City

Oxford City adopted their Local Plan 2036 in June 2020.

In July 2020, Oxford published their LDS, which sets out a programme for their emerging 2020-2040 Local Plan. The LDS suggests preferred options consultation (reg 18) will take place in Summer 2022, consultation on pre-submission (reg 19) in Summer 2023 and adoption earmarked for March 2025.

Oxfordshire 2050 Plan

Oxfordshire Growth Board has secured support in principle from the Government for extensions to the Oxfordshire Plan 2050.

Oxfordshire Open Thought engagement project (reg 18 part 1) is currently underway, with consultation on spatial options (reg 18 part 2) commencing in January 2021. Consultation on a draft plan is hoped for September 2021, with adoption earmarked for October 2022.

South Oxfordshire

Following the Secretary of State’s intervening direction, hearing sessions for the emerging Local Plan 2034 finished on 7th August and SODC are now awaiting the Inspector’s preliminary findings.

The deadline for adoption set out by the Secretary of State is December 2020, with the Plan currently on track.

Vale of White Horse

In February 2020, Vale of White Horse published their LDS, setting out an indicative time frame for their emerging Local Plan 2041. Public consultation on preferred options/draft plan (reg 18) is hoped for April 2021, with public consultation on pre-submission (reg 19) hoped for April 2022 and adoption by July 2023.

West Oxfordshire

In May 2020, West Oxfordshire District Council published their LDS, which sets out a programme for their emerging Local Plan 2040. The LDS suggests informal engagement (reg 18) will take place between September 2021 and September 2022, publication of pre-submission (reg 19) in Sep 2022 and adoption hoped for September 2023.

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